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Practical Guide to Sequential Design

Practical Guide to Sequential Design

About the webinar

In the first of this two-part webinar series on group sequential design, we introduce sequential design, some of the most common design choices and issues that can arise and provide an introduction to group sequential design and the specific choices available for this class of sequential design.

Practical Guide to Sequential Design
Primer on Sequential Design Methods and Design Choices

August 2023 Webinar - Practical Guide to Sequential Design

In this free webinar you will learn about:

  • Sequential Design Types and Overview

  • Common Sequential Design Choices and Issues

  • Practical Guide to (Group) Sequential Design 

More about the webinar

Sequential designs, where trials can stop early based on interim results, are the most widely used type of adaptive design in clinical trials.

Sequential designs can greatly reduce the potential cost of a trial by stopping early where evidence is strongly in favour (efficacy) or against (futility) the treatment at an early interim analysis. For example, the accelerated approval of Covid-19 vaccine trials in 2020 were all based on sequential design approaches.

One of the most common approaches to sequential designs is group sequential design based on the error spending approach. This flexible class of methods allows for a wide range of possible stopping rules while retaining substantial adaptability to deal with post-design deviations at the analysis stage. 

Join us as we discuss the important decisions when using sequential designs and provide practical guidance on commonly applied solutions.

The second webinar in September will focus on the statistical and theoretical aspects of group sequential designs.

Play the video below to watch
the complete recording of this webinar

Duration: 60 minutes

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